S3 Ep 7 - Asking for what you want (with Marcia Baczynski)
Marcia Baczynski
There’s a special kind of bravery associated with knowing what you want - and then daring to ask for it. In this episode, Haje interviews Marcia, about the wants and needs of humans, and how to dig deeper into the likes and wants lurking inside us.
Marcia is an internationally recognized speaker, writer, coach, and expert on sexual communication, relationships, and women’s empowerment. Her primary mission is to help women and the people who love them to overcome shame and get in touch with what they truly want — romantically, sexually, and relationally — even if it’s off the beaten path.
As co-founder of Cuddle Party, Marcia has helped tens of thousands of people to speak up for the kind of touch they want, say No unapologetically, and foster more connected, affectionate relationships. Her popular virtual course, “The Good Girl Recovery Program,” helps women to break out of the roles that keep them small and unsatisfied, and move into being more of who they are in all areas of their lives.
You can find out more about Marcia and her work at askingforwhatyouwant.com